Open Matches
Our matches are open to all anglers, whether you are the Fish O’ Mania champion or just want to have a crack at match fishing for the first time!
At Partridge we host Open Matches – open to all anglers and also we host OAP & Disabled Open Matches – open to all anglers over 60 years or a blue badge holders on Monday & Fridays and Over 55 years or blue badge holders on a Wednesday.
Please see Our Match Ticket Page for upcoming matches.
Open Matches: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Over 60’s & Disabled Matches: Monday, Friday
Over 55’s & Disabled Match: Wednesday
All Matches are now drawn from 8:15am, at the café, with a rolling draw.
The match will be 5 hours, all in at 10.15 am and all out 3.15 pm.
Our Open matches are open to all anglers, £27 all in which is £12 peg fee and £15 pools.
OAP & disabled open matches for anglers over 60 years or a blue badge holder, £16 all in £11 peg fee and £5 pools.
All booking on to our matches will be done via our website online booking system, under the Buy Match Ticket Section to guarantee a peg in the match.
The draw will take place on arrival at the cafe area from 8:15am onwards.
Winners will be contacted to confirm bank details and their winnings will be paid by bank transfer into their bank or as funds in their PL Account.
All of our match results are posted daily on our Facebook page!
Here at Partridge Lakes Fishery, our match scene is increasing in popularity week by week which is reflected by our fantastic turn outs not only at the weekend but also mid week! We pride ourselves in running possibly the busiest open matches on any coarse fishery in the UK! In the summer months we have a regular sell outs at the weekends (over 80 anglers) and also on a Wednesday between 60 and 80 OAP’s & disabled anglers turn out to fish!
To book on a weekend open match for Partridge Lakes you must book through the website – do not message to book on via facebook, by doing so you accept that your name will be displayed publicly if you frame in the top 6 and also on the booking on sheet displayed in the log cabin.
By entering a Partridge Lakes Match you accept the information will be stored & may be used by Partridge Lakes in accordance with our GDPR Policy.
All Juniors under 16 years MUST be accompanied by an Adult at all times.
Strictly no night fishing.
No dogs allowed.
Must have a valid EA Rod License.
No Keep Nets.
Maximum Barbless Hook size 14.
2 Rods maximum per Peg
No Braided Lines.
In-line method feeders only.
No Elasticated Methods – except for Guru X-Safe.
No Fixed Rigs.
No braided line
No Nuts, Cat/Dog Food, Bloodworm or Jokers.
No floating baits.
No artificial baits.
Ground Bait 2 kilo per peg limit.
No Boilies apart from Holbar (2 kilo per peg)
Barbless hooks only.
14s Maximum Hook Size.
Above bait bans apply.
In-line method feeders only.
No Elasticated Methods – except for Guru X-Safe system.
8 pint bait limit per match.
2 Kilo Ground Bait (In addition to the 8 Pints above).
Two keepnets, or more, must be used from the start in all Matches.
All keepnets to be placed drying on the bank behind your peg and not put in the water until 15 minutes before start of match.
A 66lb limit in each net with fish distributed evenly between nets.
No swinging fish in, a landing net must be used for every fish.
No bait to be thrown in after the Match. Bait bins are provided.
No pole cups over the water before all in.
No fishing over aerator ropes.
Match official decisions are final.
Offenders will be disqualified.
You may trim any vegetation above the water’s surface, but do not pull any vegetation out of the water. No cleaning of the lake bed before the start of the match.
Please gather trimmed vegetation neatly on the bank.
If there is loose trimming from bailiff works, you may scoop it out with your landing net.